Unwanted Guest

47 star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined
#33 in United Kingdom #95 in Global
One man alt-metal outfit from the UK. Dave Fox is 'Unwanted Guest' - writer, performer and producer of hard hitting 90s style metal. Go to www.unwanted-guest.
  • Mary Had a Little Lamb 9/18/2024, 4:00 AM Mary Had a Little Lamb By Unwanted Guest
    Heavy Metal
    21 star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined
  • 🔥 Hot Six Degrees of Saturation 9/18/2024, 1:39 AM Six Degrees of Saturation By Unwanted Guest
    Heavy Metal
    26 star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined

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